Sales 2.0

20 Real Estate Email Templates to Use in 2022

Written by Meg Prater | Apr 25, 2022 4:00:00 AM

Homebuying has become increasingly digital nowadays. Documents can be signed virtually, homes can be viewed remotely through an audio-visual presentation, and real estate agents are expected to be online.

The number of first-time buyers has grown to 34% this year, from 31% in 2020. With more buyers in the market,COVID-19 guidelineshave increased the amount of work required to execute digital and private showings.

So, where should real estate agents begin to adapt to these changes? They can start with a strong email marketing strategy.

The fastest way to modernize your outreach is by applying short, direct, and personalized email campaigns.

To help you get started, here are the real estate email templates that will usher your communication into the digital age.

1. Open House or Showing Follow-Up Email

Whether you have a previously established relationship with the prospect through a private showing or an open house, it's smart to follow up. If it’s the latter, this email sets a proactive and polite tone for the rest of your business relationship.

Thank them for their time and remind them of the home’s most attractive attributes. Then tease another home, and leave them wondering what “surprises" it holds. Sure, they can probably find it online, but they’ll still be curious to uncover the house’s secrets in person.

2. Neighborhood Expertise Email

No one wants to feel pressured into buying a particular home or choosing a specific real estate agent. In this email, you have acknowledged their interest in the open house and offered a wider selection of homes in the neighborhood.

You’ve also hinted at your expertise without overtly saying, “I’m the best, and you’d be remiss not to work with me." Communicate that the right fit is your primary objective, and you are sure to set yourself apart from eager and pushy agents.

3. Under Contract Email

This email is always disappointing to a buyer, so it’s crucial to lead with the problem (this house is no longer for sale) and move quickly to the solution (I have more houses to show you).

A sentence at the end acknowledging the market’s competitiveness will provide a sense of urgency. It demonstrates your understanding of the unique real estate market in their area, which gives your authority a boost.

4. Expired Listing Email (If Not Listing Agent)

When a listing expires, sellers often feel betrayed, frustrated, and worried about the financial implications.

The goal of this email is to acknowledge their feelings, restate the problem, and offer a unique solution. Keep this email short and to the point with concrete facts proving you know what you’re doing. These prospects don’t want eloquent statements on how you’ll help them find their dream home. They want to know you can sell their home fast and for a good price.

5. Expired Listing Email (If Listing Agent)

Acknowledge your seller's natural frustration, but don't apologize. You have done everything on your end to sell their property. Show confidence by explaining the benefits of staying with you instead of working with a new agent. Be clear, concise, and don't lean on emotion.

End with a call to action that encourages them to book a time with you to discuss the matter in greater depth.

6. New Listing Email

Clients can easily access new homes on sites like Zillow or Redfin, so work extra hard to make these emails engaging and valuable. Use the resources only available to licensed realtors to show them homes they can’t find anywhere else.

7. Low-Interest Rate Email

This email is great for reconnecting with past clients or farming new ones. If you have current clients shopping in a low-inventory area, send this email to previous clients who live in or around that neighborhood. You never know who you might tempt to move.

Keep this email from feeling “salesy” by leading with just how much these rates could benefit the seller and personalize it with local news or events.

8. Client Retention Email

The typical seller has recommended their agent twice since selling their home. Around 27% of sellers have recommended their agent four or more times since selling their home. You can increase your number of potential clients by asking your current clients for referrals.

Information such as increasing their home value and local deals on home products/services will keep you in the buyers’ minds the next time they move or ask for a referral.

9. Testimonial Email

Homebuying is an emotional experience. Tap into those feelings with a carefully selected testimonial from a favorite client.

Most clients will be happy to provide you with a glowing review (especially right after a seamless and successful close). You can also ask Yelp reviewers whether you can use their testimonials in future email marketing. These emails are great for reminding previous clients how great you are. They also work well when farming new leads.

10. Data-driven Email Template

Breathe new life into this standby email template by avoiding vague statements like “People are interested in your home." or “There’s never been a better time to sell." Instead, build a data-driven case for why now’s the time to sell and make it easy for them to learn more.

11. Thank You Email Template

Homebuyers have a lot of choices when buying or selling a home, and they chose you! Show your appreciation with a kind thank you note and a small gift. Bouquets of flowers, bottles of wine, and complimentary dinners are gestures of appreciation that will go a long way.

First-time homebuyers can be especially overwhelmed by the amount of junk and fraudulent mail they’ll receive after closing. Offer to help them through the first few weeks as new homeowners for an extra-special customer experience.

12. Email to Potential Sellers

Tease them with information about just how much their home is worth instead of giving them the information immediately. This will increase the chances of getting them on the phone where you can learn more about their goals and share what you can offer in return.

Want to go the extra mile? Say all of this over a video email for a personal message they won't soon forget.

13. Real Estate Email Newsletter

The most important part of a real estate newsletter is grabbing your reader's attention with a great subject line. Even if your prospect isn't currently looking to sell, this subject line will tempt them to open.

Follow it up with compelling reasons and a call to action that gives them a specific next step. Personalize this email as much as possible and make it valuable to the reader, so you earn their engagement next time as well.

14. Open House or Showing Thank You Email

By offering alternatives homes for your client to view, you can keep the momentum going when the market is hot. There's a chance that home they're viewing today could be sold tomorrow. With this template, you won't waste any time getting your clients interested in the next set of homes for sale.

15. One-year Follow-up Email

The one-year follow-up email is used to generate referrals and stay in touch with old customers. Former clients are excellent sources for referrals, and staying in touch with them may help them remember you the next time they are looking to buy or sell a property.

Congratulate the client on the first anniversary of buying their home, and encourage them to reach out to you if they need assistance. Also, invite them to refer your services to a friend, family member, or colleague who may be in the market to buy or sell a home. After all, 90% of buyers report that they would use their agent again or recommend their agent to others.

16. Home Valuation Offer

Sending potential sellers a home valuation offer shows them that you are ready to officially start the process of selling their home. Although only a comparative market analysis will give sellers a specific market value, you can get your leads started with an estimate.

17. Open House Feedback Request

Including feedback questions in your email will help to guide the potential feedback chat with prospective buyers.

Asking prospective buyers for feedback on an open house that they attended allows you to get into the mind of home buyers. Feedback will help you determine if the price for the listing makes sense and if the house will sell fast.

18. Follow-up Email to Clarify Buyer’s Needs

Asking your prospects clarifying questions about their needs and what they are looking for in a home will help you narrow the scope of homes you show to the prospects.

19. Offering Tips To Help Seller Attract Buyers

Giving sellers tips to attract buyers and offering to connect them with landscapers and interior designers will help them prepare so the property is presented in its best condition and the open house is a success.

20. Pre-approval Email to Prospective Buyer

Pre-approval shows sellers that potential buyers can obtain financing. It also helps buyers and real estate agents determine the optimal price range and tax range for their property search. It narrows down a buyer’s options and makes the selection process more efficient.

Get creative with potential clients.

Capitalize on those "just looking" prospects and shift them into buyer mode with other tempting properties in the same area and price range.

Buyer and seller inboxes are inundated with emails every day, but real estate agents have the unique and powerful ability to send mail that clients and prospects open immediately. Maximize the impact of each message with the email templates above.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in February 2021 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.